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America’s Obesity Epidemic: How It Impacts Your Health & The Best Help To Get!

by nc_admin | Sep 20, 2021
Obesity is a common, significant, and expensive disease. Sadly, recent headlines show that obesity is on the rise in the U.S.

Obesity is a common, significant, and expensive disease. Sadly, recent headlines show that obesity is on the rise in the U.S. For example, between 2017 and 2018, the United States obesity prevalence increased from 30.5% to 42.4%. Now in sixteen states, including Texas, 35% or more adults had obesity. So, are you obese? Do you want to prevent obesity? How does obesity impact your overall health? Why should you consult a leading weight loss surgeon for obesity surgery in Texas? Read on to find out!

How Obesity Impacts Your Overall Health

Here are the summarized relationship between obesity and your overall health:

  • Obesity & Diabetes – Weight gain during adulthood can increase type 2 diabetes. However, moderate weight loss can delay or prevent diabetes in people who are at high risk.
  • Obesity & Cardiovascular Disease – Bodyweight is linked with several cardiovascular risk factors. For example, as Body Mass Index increases, so does blood sugar, blood pressure, inflammation, etc.
  • Obesity & Cancer – An exhaustive data released in 2007 by the American Institute for Cancer Research & World Cancer Research Fund shows the link between obesity and cancer.
  • Obesity & Quality Of Life – There is a strong link between weight loss and mood. Obese people are more likely to be depressed than those with a healthy weight.
  • Obesity & Reproduction – Obesity can greatly influence reproduction, from sex to conception.
  • Obesity & Respiratory Disease – Excess weight negatively impacts respiratory function through metabolic and mechanical pathways.
  • Obesity & Memory and Cognitive Function – Recent studies have shown a strong link between obesity and Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
  • Obesity & Other Conditions – There are other health conditions linked to excess body weight. These include musculoskeletal disorders, gallstones, chronic kidney disease, gout, and nonalcoholic fatty liver condition.

Why Consult A Leading Weight Loss Surgeon?
According to Dr. Nick Nicholson of the Nicholson Clinic, “In the last two years obesity rates have nearly doubled in a number of states as Americans grappled with pandemic stress. When I opened the Nicholson Clinic 20 years ago, the adult obesity rate was less than 25% in all states. Now in 2021 there are 16 states where the obesity rate is 35% or more, up from nine states in 2018. Delaware, Iowa, Ohio and Texas are the new states added to the list with higher obesity rates. Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia are already on the list.”

Bariatric surgery is still one of the best ways to treat obesity. Why perform this surgery? It will reduce weight and limit your risk of any chronic weight-related health condition.

Final Thoughts
Undoubtedly, obesity impacts almost all aspects of health, from reducing lifespan to contributing to several chronic conditions. So, if you are obese or want to prevent obesity, leading weight loss surgeons are just a phone call away!

About Author
One of the most experienced weight loss surgeons in the country – Dr. Nick Nicholson – along with a full staff of surgeons, physician assistants, and other experienced clinicians, help patients reverse obesity with LAP-BAND, Gastric Bypass, Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Balloon and Revisions.